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    Micro-Vu Europe GmbH

    Essener Str. 8


    +49 6851 8025550

    MICRO-VU SOL MEASURING MACHINE MANUAL VISION FEATURES Micro-Vu's new Sol Measurement System provides a versatile solution for precision part inspection. The Sol significantly reduces inspection times and increases inspection capabilities. The Sol features one micron resolution scales and InSpec Metrology Software for Manual Vision Systems. InSpec Metrology Software includes automated edge detection, automated focus detection, geometric dimensioning and tolerancing, and reporting. Programmable lighting makes features stand out. When features are accentuated, they are easier to measure and results are more repeatable. The programmable 6:1 zoom make small features conspicuous and simple to measure. The Sol replaces the popular Vector machine. FEATURES Image Capture Capabilities Multiple Edge Detection Tools Focus Detection Tool for Precice Z Measurements Automated 6.5x Zoom Lens Programmable Multi-Sector LED Surface Ring Light Collimated LED Profile Light (Back Light) Programmable LED Coax Light (Through the Lens) Precision Linear Bearings Onscreen Scale, Grid, and Crosshair Two sizes: 160 x 160 x 160 mm Stage Capacity 315 x 315 x 160 mm Stage Capacity 315 x 315 x 250 mm Stage Capacity

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